Reading Notes:The Five Tall Sons of Pandu, Part A

Figure 1: Karna's Battle Flickr

The element of this story that I enjoyed the most was Karna's characterization as a bitter, slighted warrior. Its very understandable that he acts in the villainous manner that he does, but his actions till cause substantial harm. His behavior during his initial offences were admirable; he manages to remain calm and polite. However, I wish that his seething anger was better conveyed. As it is, the text relies a bit too much for the audience to realize why Karna is so angry.

I think I would like to write a scene where Karna remains calm after being insulted, only to explode as soon as he is out of view. I'll have him do something really disturbing and scary, show off his combat prowess and generally have fun.

The Indian Story Book: The Five Tall Sons of Pandu Richard Wilson


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