Week 8 Comments and Feedback
1. Feedback in. Overall, how would you rate the quality of the comments and feedback you are receiving from other students in the class? What kinds of comments are you finding to be the most useful?
I find that feedback falls into three categories. Feedback from people who are just trying to complete an assignment, people who are genuinely trying to offer genuine feedback, and people who are trying to offer genuine feedback, but are not good writers themselves, and do not know what to optimize for. I find that the most useful feedback is from people who are willing to speak their minds and offer concrete criticism, usually on grammar or homophone misuse, since those are concrete things that should definitely be optimized for.
2. Feedback out. Similarly, how would you rate the quality of the comments and feedback you are leaving for other students? Have you found some good feedback strategies? Are you getting some good ideas for your own writing as you analyze other people's writing?
I would consider my feedback to be very poor, mostly because I don't know what a good story is, and what to optimize for. However, I think that the feedfoward strategy is decent. I did get the idea to give Ravana 20 desert eagles from another "Modernize the Ramayana" story, so that's neat I guess.
3. Blog comments. Do you have a sense of getting to know people by connecting with them at their blogs? Are you happy with how your Introduction post and how your blog in general provides a space where people can get to know you?
No, because I value people primarily on their capacity to deal with crushing pressure, and I find most people's introductions to be tame and contain information that I find irrelevant. I think my introduction post is an affront to god.
4. Looking forward. What do you want/need to do differently to make the feedback assignments more useful for others and/or more useful for you? Do you want to make any changes to your Comment Wall and/or your Introduction?
What I need to create useful feedback are clearer parameters to optimize for. I don't know what constitutes a good story, so I don't know how to make a better story.
5. Image. Take a look through the "Feedback Cats" and "Feedback Infographics" to find one that expresses what you think is a really important aspect of the feedback process, and explain why you chose that image in particular.
Figure 1: Generic Meme Regarding Feedback
Human ego is quite fragile, and feedback can damage it. Moving past this is crucial to growth.
This comment was entertaining:
ReplyDelete"No, because I value people primarily on their capacity to deal with crushing pressure, and I find most people's introductions to be tame and contain information that I find irrelevant. I think my introduction post is an affront to god. "