Reading Notes: PDE Mahabharata, Part B

Figure 1: Generic Depiction of Prank Wikimedia

The story that I found the most interesting was the episode where Doryadhana has several mishaps in the crystal palace. I think I'd like to rewrite this segment as a comedy scene. I'd keep the existing embarrassment where Doryadhana cannot differentiate between crystals and water. I'd also like to either establish Doryadhana as having poor eyesight or give the crystals unusual properties that make the mis-identification more understandable.

Some other things that I would like to add. Make Doryadhana distinctly ungraceful both in his physical movements and manners. Add more jokes, such as misidentifying animals, tripping, humiliation by animals, and maybe a fire crystal that Doryadhana runs from in fear of burning himself.

I'd also make it clear that the Pandavaras are having fun at his expense, and find his misfortune amusing.

Mahabharata: Public Domain Edition Various Authors


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