General Thoughts on Technology and Education

Figure 1: Cat at Computer PICRYL and Pixabay

I have run into/been exposed to most of the web technologies described. I've followed blogs, used google docs, made memes, used bookmarks and so on, but I am not particularly familiar with any of them.

Given the online nature of the course, I suspect that the amount of information that I can convey will be larger. Also, the recording nature of the internet means that keeping track of what I say will be easier. I do find online communication to be more difficult than in person communication. However, many of my classes are very online oriented, so perhaps there will not be much of a difference.

Technology progresses at such a rate that the likelihood that acquired technical knowledge will be obsolete before it can be fully utilized. As such, I don't have any technological skills that I want to develop. However, acclimating to new technologies can be considered a skill in and of itself; if there is any web skill I want to build, it would be that one. I also react poorly to attention, so blogging is something that I don't think I should do any more than I have to. 


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