I am Jenon Fung, engineer, mathematician, amateur evolutionary psychologist, violinist, diabolo practitioner, LARP warrior, weightlifter, philosopher, webcomic connoisseur, and SCP D-class personnel. An aerospace and electrical engineering double major, the most enjoyable aspect of my profession is telling people that airplane companies use glue to hold modern composite planes together, such as the Boeing 787. I hope to work for Boeing, and I have a second internship lined up with them this summer. Hopefully, I will be able to contribute something meaningful to the company. Aside from this, my career plans include working very hard and allowing my work drive to get completely out of control and eat my happiness and personal values. My hobbies include impersonating Marie Curie online, explaining the Konigsberg bridge problem to people waiting to order Canes Chicken, explaining fiber layup shear moment coupling to people in line at Walmart, and trying to kill my friends with padded...
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